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Isaiah Testifies of Christ An LDS Commentary Gregorio Billikopf Llanquihue, Lake Region, Chile But that I might more fully persuade them to believe
A study of Isaiah from the perspective of a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My writings are not endorsed by the Church. If there is anything in these pages that is not doctrinally correct, please point these out to me and I will make the corrections. I have recorded these notes for my own use. I am sharing them with others who may be patient enough to put up with their unfinished nature. For more information on the Church visit either lds.org or mormon.org. I joined the Church when I was 19, back in 1974, and if you wish to just chat with me, feel free to write directly in either Spanish or English: bielikov@yahoo.com. Joining the Church was the happiest and best decision of my life. My next project will be (Webpage to be announced): Zechariah Testifies of Christ Home | Ancient Manuscripts |
My paternal grandfather was a Lithuanian Jew and grandmother a German Jew. My maternal grandparents are both Chilean. I was converted and baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1974, after reading the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Christ. It was the Book of Mormon that compelled me to go back and become more interested in my Jewish roots. While the writings of Isaiah and the Prophets have always held a special appeal for me, it was in 1996, while reading in the Book of Mormon, that the words of our Savior sank deep into my heart: “And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yeah, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah” (3Nephi23:1). --Gregorio Billikopf (This introduction was first posted 27 June 2007, Isaiah project began in late 1996) 3rd Edition Completed 4 October 2017 File is too large for this Website (20 meg). I wil put the file at Archive.org and link to the address there.
Last Revised 5 October 2017
Isaiah References My favorite exegetes on Isaiah are the Brethren or leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here I include a few of the Isaiah references from other sources that may be of interest. Please note that while many commentaries offer worthwhile ideas, they also have materials with which we would not agree. My focus here are those references that are easily available in electronic form. Those who write on Isaiah vary widely in their outlooks. I have been able to profit from authors who have a wide variety of outlooks, but even then, there are those who often surprise me with their wonderful insights and those who often disappoint. I own both the hard copy and the electronic copy of most of these resources. Some of them I do not remember where I downloaded them from and some of the download links will be slightly different than the copy I have. Two excellent resources for finding these books are Google Books and Internet Archive. In addition, your University may have some of these books in PDF. Another excellent source of free or low cost commentaries is Rick Meyer's e-Sword. Also, Logos Bible Software (Faithlife Corporation) also has commentaries for sale. Creation Concept has numerous PDFs of Isaiah commentaries, also. If you are interested in finding a book I have listed as electronic but have not posted a download link to it, let me know and I can try harder to find it. My favorite Isaiah commentators:
Other Isaiah commentators of interest (in no particular order)
Also of interest:
Isaiah project began late 1996. This page was established 27 June 2007. I finished the first chapter of this second edition on 12 March 2000 and the last, on 7 May 2017. Completed 3rd edition 4Oct2017. I will contiue to revise the 3rd edition.